Hanotiau & van den Berg


Publications | August 2005

  • The Merger of Civil Law and Common Law Traditions in International Commercial Arbitration

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2005

    in Prawo Prywatne Czasu Przemian, Liber Amicorum Stanislas Soltysinski, Poznan, 2005, 807

  • L’arbitrage, garant du respect des valeurs de l’arbitrage

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2005

    in Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution, Liber Amicorum in honor of Robert Briner, Paris, ICC Publishing, 2005, 365

  • Joinder of Parties and Joinder of Claims

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2005

    in Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur François Knoepfler, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2005, 191

  • Civil law and common law procedural traditions in international arbitration: who has crossed the bridge?

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2005

    in Arbitral Procedure at the Dawn of the New Millennium, Reports of the international colloquium of CEPANI, 15 October 2004, Bruylant, Brussels, 2005, 85