Organizing and International Arbitration: Practice Pointers-Chapter 9
in R.D. Hill & L.W. Newman (Eds.), The Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration, 2nd Ed., Juris Publishing, 2008
Download PDFA New New York Convention? Interview with Albert Jan van den Berg
in Mealeay’s Executive Summary: The New York Convention: 50 Years of Experience, October 2008
Download PDFThe New York Convention of 1958: An Overview
in Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards: The New York Convention in Practice (Emmanuel Gaillard & Domenico Di Pietro, Eds.), 2008
Download PDFL’indépendance et l’impartialité de l’arbitre / De onafhankelijkheid en de onpartijdigheid van de Arbiter
in Macht en Onmacht van de Arbiter / L’Arbitre: Pouvoirs et Statut, Rapporten van het Colloquium van CEPINA van 28 maart 2003 / Actes du Colloque du CEPANI du 28 mars 2003 (co-authored with Didier Matray), reprinted in 5(4) Transnational Dispute Management 2008
Download PDFLes groupes de sociétés dans l’arbitrage commercial international
in La convention d’arbitrage, groupes de sociétés et groupes de contrats, Bruylant, 2007, 113
Non-signatories in international arbitration: lessons from thirty years of case law
in ICCA Congress Series, n°13, 2007, 341
Groupes de sociétés et groupes de contrats dans l’arbitrage commercial international
Juriste International, 2005, n°3, p.56 (later on published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediaçao, 2007, 114)
The efficacy of Award in International Arbitration
in J.D.M. Lew / L. Mistelis, Arbitration Insights, Kluwer Law International, 2007 (115-131)
Download PDFGeneral Editor, International Arbitration 2006: Back to Basics?
in ICCA Congress Series n° 13, Montreal 2006, Kluwer Law International, 2007
Download PDFCommentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958
in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XXXII, Kluwer Law International, 2007 (187-1001)