Decisiones Salomonicas: realidades, mitos y etica (“Splitting the baby: realities, myths and ethics”)
in Centro de Arbitraje de la Industria de Law Construccion, December 2013
Download PDFThe New York Convention and its application by Brazilian Courts
in Revista de Arbitragem a Mediaçao, Vol. 37, 2013
Download PDFGeneral editor, International Council for Commercial Arbitration
In ICCA Congress Series n° 17, Singapore 2012, Kluwer Law International, 2013
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration
Vol. XXXVIII, Kluwer Law International, 2013
Commentaire des articles 23 (“Instruction de la cause”) et 38 (“Disposition supplétive”) du nouveau Règlement d’arbitrage du CEPANI
CEPANI Newsletter 74, April 2013
NOTE – Time and Costs: Issues and Initiatives from an Arbitrator’s Perspective
in ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, 2013 (1-5)
Download PDFCommentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958
in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XXXVIII, Kluwer Law International, 2013 (275-544)
“Belgium” in “Remedies for International Sellers of Goods”
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Aspects de droit international privé (européen) du contrat d’arbitre et du contrat d’organisation d’arbitrage
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The New Belgian Arbitration Law
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